
A380 is coming!

A380 is coming! Okay folks, now it’s getting exciting. FlyByWire Simulations has just announced the out of the hangar for the A380 for this Saturday, October 26, 2024 for 1800z on their YouTube channel. Even though this is not a release announcement, we can assume that this giant will be available to us afterwards and […]

FS Conference Group Flight Slots

FS Conference Group Flight Slots As promised, there is now more information about our event group flight to Paderborn! You can book the flight in the Crew Center under the flight number MBC2024 and plan it as usual. Since this is a group flight that can also be carried out on online networks, you also

Group Flight to FS Conference

Group Flight to FS Conference! On the occasion of the upcoming FS Conference, we are offering a group event flight from Genoa to Paderborn/Lippstadt on November 22nd, 2024. This will take place between 1700z and 2000z and will be possible with the following aircraft: Airbus A320 family, Boeing 737 series (including MAX). We will operate

FSA Giveaway at FS Conference!

FSA Giveaway at FS Conference! As FS Conference is now only about one and a half months away we want to announce a giveaway at our booth: Together with our friends from FSA we will give away 10 Captain Memberships for FSA which includes many offers, free stuff and free online access to FSExpo! You

MockingBird Air is going to FS Conference!

MockingBird Air is going to FS Conference! Big news: MockingBird Air will be exhibiting at FS Conference at Paderborn-Lippstadt Airport! We will show you our custom Crew Center, our custom ACARS System mxbCARS and will be there for any questions you may have. Visit us at EDLP on 23.11.2024!

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